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22 Years Old

Pictures I wish I had

Josh went with me to a Sierra Club backpacking 101 class in September because I didn't want to go by myself -- I wish I had pictures.

I bought season tickets to the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. We went one time before he died. They were nose bleed tickets way up, but he loved them anyway. He went outside and I was at the top of the stairs when he came back in -- he looked up and lit up with a smile when he saw me. Actually we both lit up. One of those perfect moments. I wish I could get the picture in my head on film -- he was all dressed up and gorgeous and enjoying the symphony so much.

Josh was intensely proud of his Scandinavian heritage. We went to take a lefse cooking class together the end of October. He talked to me that day about changing his last name to Madsen -- his Swedish great grand mother's last name. He already had his great grandfather's last name as his middle name or he'd change to that. He was wearing an olive green sweater that he looked so good in.