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Josh's first birthday in Texas and later that year he discovered ice hockey.




7 Years Old

Birthday 7 March 14, 1984

after move to Texas in Carrollton

The face of getting exactly what you wished for

Josh on back porch of our apartment in Carrollton

Josh & Brandon Brake (schoolmate and lived at same apartments)

Six Flags

Wet n' Wild

Josh at his dad's for summer vacation

Josh tried ice skating for the 1st time on a Sunday fall of 1984 at Prestonwood Mall. There was a little boy skating fast around the rink in hockey skates. Josh asked him how he learned to skate so well and the little boy invited Josh to come to hockey practice the next night.

Josh's first hockey practice. We showed up and within minutes the dad's had pulled together equipment and had Josh out on the ice. Explains the yellow helmet, orange jersey, and red socks. There was a teenage boy who worked one on one with Josh since Josh had only been on skates one time before.

Halloween 1984 with Brian, Elaine (Dennis's kids), and William (Kathleen's nephew)

Josh wanted cats...

Christmas 1984

Josh's first time playing goalie