Volunteering at Cumberland Island

Man — it’s a tough life volunteering at Sea Camp. I get to visit with our park visitors, help them enjoy their day on the island, get entertained by wildlife. I’ve walked out on the porch and had wild horses stampede through too fast for me to get my phone for a picture. Deer will wander through and nose around the area. The cardinals are always entertaining around the porch. When I walk out to do my campground check I have seen families of armadillo, but only briefly — man they are FAST. The baby horses and little fuzzball wild turkey babies are adorable down by the Dungeness dock.

On the commute via ferry out and back you have to watch dolphins, roseate spoonbills, other shore birds — sometimes we get stopped by a submarine going into or leaving Kings Bay Submarine base. By the way — no pictures are allowed of the submarine passage. Yeah — it’s a really tough day out on the island. One day when I was waiting for the ferry to depart I looked up and realized a bald eagle was perched on the cross arm of a sailboat.

These are some pictures of the Sea Camp Ranger station: