Big news this summer isn’t motorcycle travel

Well that’s true and not true. I have some great motorcycle travel plans for the summer of 2010, but for the first time since I started motorcycling not anything extensive because I have a major “other” expenditure going on — major home repair.

The house was built in 1984 and the wood siding (more like press board) has deteriorated beyond repair so I decided it was time to replace the entire mess. Once I started researching I realized it was foolish to not change out my sad windows at the same time since all the window trim would have to be redone if I waited.

Long story short — new insulated vinyl siding, new trim, all new windows and a house that won’t need anything done to it for 20-30 years. Found a great company to do the work — more on that later. I will post pictures that show their meticulous attention to detail and give rave reviews and recommendations.

So this will be the summer of BMW rallies and shorter trips — but a beautiful almost new house too 🙂