What yellow labs are like

You try to tell people yellow labs really shed a lot and they just don’t get it. Sure, all dogs shed, but yellow labs bring a whole new meaning to the concept. They are uber shedders of epic proportions. I guess you have to live with one (or two) to really understand it. Or visit wearing black pants — that may give you a feeling of what I’m trying to convey.

My theory is something about breeding the color out of black labs leads to the shedding. Black labs don’t shed nearly as much, nor do chocolate labs. Before Nikki and Ellie I had Casey — she was a pure bred totally white lab, not a yellow hair on her and the hair came off her in drifts. Nikki and Ellie don’t shed quite that badly, but there are two of them so do the math.

I believe this Dyson video has captured dog shedding pretty well. I also like the title they chose. Watch the video, quadruple the amount of hair, imagine it being a yellow lab instead of a black dog, and it might come close portraying how much hair each of my dogs drops every hour of every day.

You have to love yellow labs to live with the hair — and I do. I wouldn’t trade them for anything.